Sunday, September 25, 2011

Potcert11 Week 3: Beginner’s Questionnaire - Cynthia Charles

__3__Interest in material:
5 Lecturing is a good way to encourage interest in material.
4 Large group discussions or debates are useful in class for creating interest in the material.
3 Small group discussions are useful in class for creating interest in the material.
2 Students should be given choices of how to learn the material.
1 Students should construct their own method for learning the material.
___4__ Content:
5 Lecturing is often the best way to relay content.
4 Large group discussions or debates are useful in class for covering content.
4 Small group discussions are useful in class for covering content.
4 Students need to be provided with extensive content, selected by the instructor.
2 The content in a class should be at least partially created by the students.
1 All class content should be created by the students.
___3__ Roles:
5 The locus of control in a class should be primarily with the instructor.
3 Students should be active participants in creating their own knowledge.
1 Students should construct their own knowledge.
__2___ Assessments:
5 Assessments are most important to assess factual knowledge.
3 Assessments are most important to test application of skills.
2 Assessments are most important as a learning tool for students.
Add up the points for each area and total here: ____12______
cc Program for Online Teaching 2011

Beginner’s Questionnaire

For each topic, write the number that best represents your perspective as you think about your
classroom teaching:

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